family 17th April 2011

Hi, everyone who loved Jessica. This is her Mom, giving you an update on life with Tataboy and Jade. These two dogs added to our crew give us five, and I'm happy to report that the adjustment is going well. Every morning around 6:15 I slide open the door of the dog caravan Jessica created by removing the back seats and placing dog beds on the floor. All 5 dogs hop in and we drive for about 20 minutes to a rails to trails hiking path beside the Piney River. It's great because at that time of day there are no other dogs and we go completely sans leash...all dogs pretty much staying within my visual range. There' lots of wildlife--this week we have seen two turkeys ovehead, two toddler Canadian geese taking flight with much fanfare, a fox who got chased by the dogs but was much leaner and easily outran them, and this morning we saw a beautiful heron take flight. We hike 3 miles, then return home for breakfast and on with our day. Karen and I talked with an animal communicator who checked in with Jade and Tater to see if they understood that Jessica was not coming back and that this was their new home. Tater indicated that he did know that, and that Jessica had visited him to make sure he knew how much she appreciated his loyalty and friendship over the years and to give him his new assignment of watching over us. Jade was a little less clear, but appreciated the information. Our dogs were all very excited to know that the boys were staying with us for good. I talked with Robyn Friday who indicates that Chai is doing amazingly well. She is encouraged by the level of maturity she has achieved in the years since they lived together, and enjoying getting to know her again. I am glad we can make this contribution to honor the connection Jess had with these dogs. Jeanine Beiber